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Teaching material

On this page, the teaching programs developed through Teach21st will be published. The different schemes have been designed by three different people
TDT’s (Teacher Design Teams) consisting of researchers, teachers and student teachers. The teaching programs are based on various themes and subjects, where the main focus is to design programs that support the students' development within collaborative learning in digital environments.

The teaching plans will be published after the Teach21st project has ended, at the end of December 2023. 

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Det første teamet har utviklet tre ulike undervisningsopplegg. Disse oppleggene tar
utgangspunkt i en tverrgruppemodell vi har kalt Tverrgruppemodellen. Denne modellen for elevsamarbeid er utviklet gjennom TEACH21st, og går ut på at elevene får utdelt ulike arbeidsroller innad i sine samarbeidsgrupper. Videre har denne modellen vært utgangspunktet for utviklingen av tre undervisningsopplegg: «hvem bestemmer», «å starte eget parti» og «det flerkulturelle samfunnet.

The group's members are: Knut Aukland, Ingrid Helle, Karen Austad Christensen, Simon Hansen, Hanna Driesprong, Sander Hamre and Fazilat Siddiq.

Algorithmic thinking and programming

The second team initially consisted of two teams, which were later merged into one. This team has prepared a teaching plan that aims to work with algorithmic thinking, programming and collaborative learning. The teaching program is divided into four different sessions, which have a recommended order.
All the sessions have a clear teacher's guide, and are intended for use at secondary school level.  

The group’s members are: Knut Aukland, Ingrid Helle, Karen Austad Christensen, Simon Hansen, Hanna Driesprong, Sander Hamre, and Fazilat Siddiq.

All the sessions have a clear teacher's guide, and are intended for use at secondary school level.

The group's members are: Ellen Åsgard, Steinar Fyrileiv, Reiar Kravik, and Sverre Fjermestad, Anne Bjørnstad, Hanne Olsen, Vibeke Molandsveen, and Tonje Berg.